This was an opportunity to learn about the inner working of politics, gain some new skills in Photoshop, and see things from a perspective other than my own.
When making materials for political campaigns, there are pieces that "sling mud" (Negatives) and others that focus more on promoting a specific candidate (Positives). Bellow are some "positive" pieces that I worked on.

I also created some "negative" pieces. At the end of the day, I wanted to learn the techniques used in political communications and this was an opportunity to do just that. It also allowed me to test different strategies and utilize inspiration from a variety of sources (including old propaganda posters) to create compelling materials that illicit an emotional response. I am appreciative of the opportunity to see things from other people's perspectives as well as learn some strategies commonly used in the political industry. My hope, is that I will be able to use these strategies (responsibly of course) in future artwork on a more satirical level.