My best friend from high school asked me to do a logo for a music project he has been working on. We've both been involved in multiple band and music programs since the first day we set picked up our instruments and continue listen to, practice, and compose new pieces. He has been working on both an album and a website to distribute the music he has been working on.
We both like to break into random Arnold Schwarzenager impressions so the discussion to begin the project went something like this:
Cody (Nicknamed Timex by our band teacher): AUGH. Can you make me a logaugh?
Me (Nicknamed Skipper by our band teacher): YAUGH. What do yaugh have in mind?
Cody: *Draws picture
Me: So it Shaughll be.
Cody: I will require 20 revisions as is the custom of working with a designer.**
**That did not happen lol
I took his sketch and used his logo as an excuse to try out procreate. The process video is bellow. After gaining his blessing, I proceeded to make a cleaner version in Illustrator.

And finally...