Though nothing compares to viewing the display in person, I hope that these photos will illustrate the space I created and the careful attention I paid to developing a well branded display that was not cluttered or overbearing yet encouraged viewers to explore its contents. The the display featured several sculptures, a work in progress with a sign encouraging viewers to view the progress on my social media accounts, a book branded with a custom wax seal of my logo for guests to leave comments in, woodblocks from some of my prints, hand-printed bandana giveaways featuring the beard on my logo that could be warn in a way that would give the wearer a beard, a small sign encouraging guests to share their (bandana) beards on social media, carefully designed resumés sealed with a custom wax seal, my portfolio, and my business cards (silk with three layers of foil stamping, rounded corners, and colored edges—something that must be seen in person to get the full effect).