Still Life
In this assignment we were told to create and paint a still life of our choosing.

Master Study of "Ariadne" by Janet Rogers
This painting was a master study of the painting, Ariadne, by Janet Rodgers. Over all I felt that this assignment was an incredible learning experience in learning how to apply translucent pigment in minimal amounts. This painting, was instrumental in teaching me where/when to stop painting.

Extreme Close-Up of a Sponge
This painting was particularly fun for me. I really enjoyed experimenting with layers and texture to mimic the tiny fibers and holes within a natural sea sponge. I found that the painting looks similar to hammered bronze as well; which, (though unintended) has made it useful in other projects as well. I have made it a point to save it as a textural resource for projects in Photoshop.

Warm and Cool Color Paintings of Crumpled Paper
For this assignment we were asked to paint a wadded up piece of paper using cool colors for one and warm for the other. For easy comparison and to save paper, I placed both paintings on the same sheet of paper.

Rainbow Painting
This assignment was originally considered as an optional contest at the beginning of the semester. The purpose of the contest was to see who had the necessary color pallets and skills necessary to create an image of a rainbow successfully. Later in the semester, however, the painting became a required piece so I created this image of an old man shooting one out his rear to both satisfy the the requirement and give a little tongue-in-cheek reference to me essentially "pulling the painting out my own rear" at the last minute.